Mizuki dmmd game voice
Mizuki dmmd game voice

mizuki dmmd game voice

But hey, it does its job, so why not make use of it? Sadly, said power can't really help him with that trio of rambunctious children that always show up at the store just to make a mess. Aoba's always found it odd how dropping his voice to a certain inflection could drive people to call up Heibon, the shop he's working at, to hear it again and again, buying Heibon's mechanical goods every time. Twenty years in the future, in Midorijima, an island southwest of Japan, a guy named Aoba lives with his tough-as-nails doctor granny, Tae, and his dog-type AllMate note a form of AI who work primarily as information networks, and implicitly, companions for those who have them, Ren. Soon after development on Platinum Jail completed, Toue abandoned the former residents of the island outright. The Toue Company won't give that permission anytime soon, as punishment from the head of the company who was highly annoyed at the more stubborn locals. All those who have stayed cannot leave, unless they receive Toue's permission.

mizuki dmmd game voice

All those who didn't leave the island at Toue Company's suggestion were eventually forced to move to a corner of the island called the Old Resident District. What coexistence there once was between Midorijima's people and the lush natural environment prevalent throughout was abruptly cut off. Of course, the original inhabitants of the island got screwed in the process. Their plan was to build a high-tech luxury amusement facility called Platinum Jail, for the exclusive perusal for all those rich enough around the world to afford it. Some time ago, Midorijima, an island southwest of Japan, was purchased by the highly influential Toue Company. DRAMAtical Murder re:code, a PlayStation Vita remake (with one more route) of the original game tailored for a younger audience, was released on October 30th, 2014. A sequel, DRAMAtical Murder re:connect was released on April 26th 2013. A first press edition was released on March 23rd, 2012, and a regular edition came out on the 27th of the following May. Or he would have to go up really close to Sei to listen to what he’s saying, since Sei’s voice is still rather weak and faint~Īnd more and more.Nitro+CHiRAL's BL Visual Novel, DRAMAtical Murder, also known amongst fans as DMMD, features crisp, clean and fluid art style, Electronic Music soundtrack, various character expressions and elaborate CGs, a dark sci-fi story rendered bright and colorful, and of course, tons and tons of Boys' Love, with four main routes and one unlockable one. Or once Sei’s voice gets healed (first, before his eyesight returns) he’d ask Mizuki to describe him what’s outside the window because he can’t see it for himself, and how the weather is and this and that, and Mizuki would probably pretty-up everything a bit.

mizuki dmmd game voice

Mizuki would be reading books to Sei so he won’t get bored, or he would give Sei his sketchbook and play games like having Sei draw something and Mizuki guessing what it is (which of course would make them laugh like crazy because Sei drawing with his eyes closed is a disaster and it takes Mizuki at least 5 tries to guess right XD And also Sei loves trolling Mizuki and having him guess forever even though he guessed right lmao) Of course everything heals later but imagining Mizuki interact with a temporarily blind&mute Sei is /)////////(\ <3 I have a couple of headcanons for Mizusei, and this is a little “sidestory”…in a way? I don’t know aaah I just keep imagining Sei surviving the tower’s fall and everything, but his body is still recovering from the shock and everything he went through the past years (experiements etc.) So during the first months of his recovery he’s unable to talk and is blind. ✿ Feeling rather stressed because of work these days so I decided to quickly doodle something for myself 3 Also used some completely new brushes this time.

Mizuki dmmd game voice